So Mother's Day this year was celebrated on the 10th and it's been a few days since, but... I'm still a mother today and will be for the rest of my life, right?
So I'm taking a few lines to express how happy I am to have become a mother almost 16 years ago. It's been a wonderful journey so far and I'm sure it will continue to be! Before I had kids I remember looking at other women around me and saying to myself that I would NEVER have kids! WOW! I'm so glad I got a chance at motherhood!
Benjamin and Kristina (or B&K as I often refer to them) are the most wonderful kids; they bring me joy and ever since they were born I find myself wanting to ONLY be with them. But of course I am aware of their growth, both physically and intellectually; and I accept it.
And although I know they some times get tired of me taking pictures of them, specially B, I always manage to steal a few shots...
B&K, thanks for making motherhood the best stage in my life! Los amo eterno!!! Mamá