I came across his music a few years back, almost by accident. One day, while surfing the Internet looking for Arabic music, I found a link for this handsome artist. I listened to one of his songs at a site and decided right away to buy his latest CD at that time, Tamally Ma3ak (Always With You). After listening to the CD in its entirety, I was hooked! I then ordered his previous recordings, Amarain and Awedony. Last year I bought his latest CD, Aktar Wahed and I must admit that, even though Tamally Ma3ak is still my favorite song, he did hit home once again with Aktar Wahed.
In 1998 he received, in Monaco, the Worldwide Music Award. This award was the first of its kind for an Arabic artist, proving that his music is not only enjoyed in the Middle East but also by people all around the world, including now fans in Australia, Canada, Europe, and the United States.
Amr Diab's voice is magical! There is something about it and the way he projects it, that even if you do not understand the language, you can still feel him and what he conveys when he sings.
I invite you to visit the links I've included in this page and to enjoy with me one of Egypt's best singers, Amr Diab! Be receptive and listen with an open mind and open heart and I assure you that you will feel what I've felt each and every time I listen to this unique and wonderful voice...
Tamally ma3ak!!! ((-_)))
October 6,2002
©Derechos Reservados - Mei-Ling ((-_)))
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